Bilderberg 2012
We will be providing exclusive coverage of Bilderberg 2012 throughout the next week.

To the MEDIA: If you have a radio, TV, or podcast show and want to interview us in regards to Bilderberg 2012 you can contact us here.
Event: Bilderberg Meeting 2012
Location: Chantilly, VA
Dates: May 31st – June 3rd
Visit the Exposing Bilderberg 2012 and Occupy Bilderberg Facebook pages for real time up to date information.
Bilderberg is one of the real power
structures at the helm of the planet and must be fully exposed to ever
have a chance to dethrone the global crime syndicate commonly referred
to as the New World Order.
Note: If you have a radio, TV, or podcast show and want to interview us in regards to Bilderberg 2012 you can contact us here.
Those times have now come to an end.
The alternative media is growing rapidly and it is our duty as free people of the planet earth to OCCUPY and EXPOSE Bilderberg May 31st – June 3rd., along with many other alternative media outlets including AFP, Infowars, Press for Truth, Truth Exposed Radio and more — presents on the scene coverage of Bilderberg 2012 LIVE from Chantilly Virginia.
* This has all been made possible by reader donations and our sponsors. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS!
As you may already know we will be covering the Bilderberg meeting and protests in Chantilly Virginia (Westfields Marriott) Between Thursday, May 31st and Sunday June 2nd.
The Intel Hub will be providing LIVE updates and streaming video footage on our U-Stream channel, as well as uploading content fresh to YouTube and providing real-time updates on’s main page and the Bilderberg 2012 page.
We have our own battle plan for providing you the best coverage throughout the entire meeting, protests, and events.
Shepard Ambellas (the Founder & director of The Intel Hub and former Host of The Official Intel Hub Radio Show) & Jason (The Infowarrior) Bermas
will be conducting live TV and radio interviews on location as well as
appearing on nationally syndicated and internet radio shows including
but not limited to appearances on (listed in order by times scheduled);
Jason Bermas, Bob Tuskin and Alex Thomas will also be doing LIVE radio and UStream appearances through the duration of the event.
- Dangerous Conversation (With Scotty “Ledge” Ledger – May 30th (8 pm)
- The Power Hour (Hosted by Joyce Riley) – May 31 (8:30 am EST), June 4
- The Jack Blood Show - (Hosted by Jack Blood) – May 31, June 1 (10 am EST)
- The Truther Girls - (Hosted by Sonia & Natasha) – May 31 (2 pm EST)
- X-Squared Radio - (Hosted by Brooks Agnew) – May 31
- The Bob Tuskin Radio Show – May 31 (8 pm EST), June 1 (8:30 pm EST)
- Ground Zero Radio - (Hosted by Clyde Lewis) – May 31, June 1
- Rense Radio – (Hosted by Jeff Rense) – May 31
- Blacklisted Radio – (Hosted By Doug Owen) – June 1 (7 pm EST)
- Collision Course - (Hosted by Francis Walsh) – June 1 (8 pm EST)
- Truth Frequency Radio - (Hosted by Chris Geo & Shree) – June 1 (9 pm EST)
- Down the Rabbit Hole - (Hosted by Popeye) – June 1 (10 pm EST)
*More shows and times will be announced soon
***Live UStream Feed Showtimes & Dates***
Wednesday May 30:
- 1 – 3 pm EST
- 7 – 8 pm EST
Thursday May 31:
- 1 – 3 pm EST
- 7 – 8 pm EST
Friday June 1:
- 1 – 3 pm EST
- 7 – 8 pm EST
Saturday June 2:
- 10 – 11 am EST
Alex Jones and the Infowars Crew have done a tremendous job of promoting the protests that will take place in Chantilly at this years meeting. A special thanks goes out to the Infowars Crew for working so hard to expose the globalist criminals and eventually bring this issue into the mainstream.
The following itinerary was released by;
Bilderberg 2012 is set to be the scene of the biggest ever protest against the secretive organization. Listed below are the details and meet-up times for what promises to be a momentous occasion.
Thursday May 31st (1 pm): Everybody to mass near the main entrance to the hotel. This is the key arrival time for Bilderberg members.
Friday June 1st (1pm): The first major bullhorning and protest of Bilderberg will take place at this time.
Saturday June 2nd (10am) and (6pm to dark): Saturday will see two main rallies, one in the morning and one in the evening until nightfall. Since this is the rally likely to be accessible to most people, please attend this one if you cannot make it to any of the others.
Sunday June 3rd (8am – 1pm): We expect most Bilderberg members to leave on Sunday morning. Please be in place nice and early to give them a good send off!
Bilderberg 2012 is going to be historic in terms of a record number of people who have ever protested against Bilderberg. We will force the media to cover the significance of the secretive cabal like never before.
This is about protesting the real power elites, not their puppets. Please obey all laws but be vocal and bring your own banners. Also be sure to bring provisions such as food and water.
Bilderberg 2012 is shaping up to be something the global elite will never forget. This protest really could demolish the secrecy that Bilderberg so desperately craves and crush the group’s to operate behind closed doors without any significant media spotlight.
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Note: It is extremely important that all those who choose to attend do so in a respectful, non violent manner.Bilderberg 2012 Coverage
- Bilderberg Tax Return Uncovered by Activist Exposing Select Contributors
- Bilderberg Bureaucrats Hacking U.S. Elections
- Alternative Media and Activists to Work Together to Expose the Bilderberger’s
- Occupy Bilderberg 2012 – We Need Your Support!
- Bilderberg 2012 List Of Participants Revealed?
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- Occupy and Expose Bilderberg 2012
- Identify Bilderberg as the Real “1%”
- Occupy Bilderberg: An Experiment in Activist Journalism
- Occupy Bilderberg To Unify The Resistance
- Bilderberg 2012: Secret Conclave Site Found
- Daniel Estulin on the Bilderberg Group and the Venetian Black Nobility
View the Live Coverage from Our Ustream Page to Chat and Watch Recorded Videos:
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